Biology of the hard clam
This book provides a comprehensive summary of knowledge of the hard clam by experts in various disciplines.
This book provides a comprehensive summary of knowledge of the hard clam by experts in various disciplines.
Carbon dioxide partial pressure and vitamin B12 interactively influenced growth, carbon fixation, trace metal requirements, and trace metal net use efficiencies of the subarctic diatom Attheya sp. (Laboratory study)
Two species of phytoplankton (coccolithophores) had higher rates of deformities when pH of seawater in the laboratory was different from present-day ocean pH. Examination of geological samples of coccolithophores did not reveal higher levels of deformities, suggesting that coccolithophores have adapted to changes in ocean pH over geological time. ...
Between 1959 and 2008, 43 percent of each year's carbon dioxide emissions remained in the atmosphere on average. The rest was absorbed by carbon sinks on land and in the ocean.
Some copepods (Calanus species) in the Arctic routinely encounter a range of seawater pH levels each day as they migrate vertically in the ocean; they were not severely affected when exposed to ocean acidification conditions in the laboratory. In contrast, a copepod species (Oithona similis) that does not vertically migrate, ...
When pre-winter juvenile pteropods were cultured at a range of warmer temperatures and ocean acidification levels for 29 days, temperature was the overriding cause of increased mortality. However, ocean acidification was the main factor in reducing shell diameter by 10-12 percent and increasing shell degradation by 41 percent. This study ...
Exposure of juvenile green seaweed to ocean acidification conditions for 80 days affected their ability to photosynthesize. (Laboratory study)
Bryozoan colonies were grown at a site in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy) where natural emissions of carbon dioxide associated with volcanic activity lower seawater pH to 7.76, simulating levels of ocean acidification predicted for the end of the 21st century. The colonies showed impaired growth and had fewer defensive polymorphs. ...
This study investigated the possible effects of ocean acidification on the calcareous skeleton of a Mediterranena bryozoan by transplanting live and dead colonies into an area of natural volcanic carbon dioxide vents in the Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy. Colonies remained alive at the below-normal and acidic pH sites during the 45-day ...
Four species of intertidal brown seaweeds increased their uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) as ambient CO2 concentration increased, while one other species did not. The amount of increased CO2 uptake changed seasonally with temperature, and for one species the results indicated that future impacts of increased CO2 would be greatest ...