Ocean and Coastal Acidification (OA) and the MA Shellfish Industry
One page document summarizing the impact of ocean and coastal acidification on the Massachusetts Shellfish Industry.
One page document summarizing the impact of ocean and coastal acidification on the Massachusetts Shellfish Industry.
The effects of ocean acidification on living marine resources present serious challenges for managers of these resources. An understanding of the ecosystem consequences of ocean acidification is required to assess tradeoffs among ecosystem components (e.g. fishery yield, protected species conservation, sensitive habitat) and adaptations to this perturbation. We used a ...
This four-page brochure provides an introduction to ocean and coastal acidification, its effects on marine life, why the Northeast is especially vulnerable, research priorities for the region, and what people can do to fight coastal acidification. The information in the brochure is adapted from NECAN's 2015 Oceanography article.
Few studies have evaluated the joint effects of elevated temperature and pCO2 on marine organisms. In this study we investigated the interactive effects of Intergovernmental Panel on Clinate Change predicted temperature and pCO2 for the end of the 21st century on key aspects of larval developm,ent of the American lobster, Homarus americanus, an otherwise well-studied, ...
Thermal sensitivity of spider crabs, as indicated by heart rate, rose under increasing levels of ocean acidification conditions. The results suggest a narrowing of the spider crab's thermal window under moderate increases in ocean acidification. (Laboratory study)
Spider crab larvae developed more slowly, grew less, and lower physiological fitness under increasing levels of ocean acidification conditions. (Laboratory study)
Sea urchin larvae from the Mediterranean Sea survived at higher rates under ocean acidification conditions, but they grew smaller. Warmer temperatures increased survival and growth rates of the larvae. The results suggest that ocean acidification and warming could boost populations of the sea urchin, increasing its impact on shallow Mediterranean ...
The egg production rate, hatching success, and respiration of a Mediterranean copepod were not affected by ocean acidification conditions. Warming and food availability did have some effects. (Laboratory study)
Four species of copepods differed in their survival, egg production, and egg hatching success when exposed to ocean acidification conditions for 8 days. (Laboratory study)
Spider crabs were not able to fully buffer their internal pH when exposed to ocean acidification conditions for 12 days. Behavior of the crabs was not impaired by ocean acidification conditions or acute heat stress when they happened separately, but it was when both occurred at the same time. (Laboratory ...