• Posted on: Sun, 02/21/2016 - 15:47
  • By: petert
Ocean and coastal acidification off New England and Nova Scotia
Gledhill, D.K., M.M. White, J. Salisbury, H. Thomas, I. Mlsna, M. Liebman, B. Mook, J. Grear, A.C. Candelmo, R.C. Chambers, C.J. Gobler, C.W. Hunt, A.L. King, N.N. Price, S.R. Signorini, E. Stancioff, C. Stymiest, R.A. Wahle, J.D. Waller, N.D. Rebuck, Z.A. Wang, T.L. Capson, J.R. Morrison, S.R. Cooley, and S.C. Doney.

This Oceanography paper discusses ocean and coastal acidification processes specific to New England coastal and Nova Scotia shelf waters and reviews current understanding of the biological consequences most relevant to the region. It also identifies key research and monitoring needs to be addressed and highlight existing capacities that should be leveraged to advance a regional understanding of ocean and coastal acidification. 

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